The Port of Oslo in 1798 logo

About Tidvis

The Port of Oslo in 1798 has been made by Tidvis AS. Starting as a research project studying 18th century Norwegian trade, we have developed into a firm that aims at disseminating history in new ways for a wider audience.

The Port of Oslo in 1798 consists of several projects that each stand on their own, but also enhance on each other. The following people have been involved (from latest to earliest project part):

The third part: Weather and environment

(June to October 2019)

In this project we added vegetation in the city environment. We also made the Palee garden in addition ot deveopling a weather system that shows you what the weather was like on every day through the year 1798.

Historians in this project were Ragnhild Hutchison (project leader), Amund Pedersn and Anne-Sofie Schjøtner Skaar. Designers were Martin Brattensborg and Tora Olsvold (3D graphics and game technology), Carl William Holm (game programming) and Thomas Sørlie Hansen (design, illustration and web development).

Stor takk rettes også til Elin Lundstad, Marte Holten Jørgensen, Knut Langeland og Kristina Bjureke for å dele sin fagliglige ekspertise.

The second part: Interaction

(January to May 2019)

Ragnhild Hutchison (project manager), Amund Pedersen have been the projects historians. Designere have been Martin Brattensborg, Tora Olsvold (3D graphics og gameing technologies) and Thomas Sørlie Hansen (design, illustration and web).

The first part

(January to August 2018)

The historians were Ragnhild Hutchison (project manager), Amund Pedersen and Henrik Thommesen. Designers were Mats Jørgensen, Anders Hereng Hansen (3D) and Thomas Sørlie Hansen (design, illustration and web).

Thanks to:

Linken Apall-Olsen, Kjetil Raaen, Ivar Kjellmo, Trygve Bjellvåg, Gøran Ryden, Gaute Gunleiksrud, Nils Andersen, Petter Bøckman, Halvor Guttu, Chris Nyborg, John Dag Hutchison, Per Norseng, Geir Thomas Risåsen, Lars Emil Hansen, Lars Roede, Hans Olav Gorset, Gry Haugholt, Stian Green, Kim Andre Sandum Thorsrud, Vegar Svenning, Knut Sprauten, Nina Denny Ness, Johanne Bergkvist, Øystein Eide, Jenny Ann Flø, Tori Falck, Kari Telste, Synne Stavheim, Svein Warberg, Geir Sagberg, Joe Censored Games, Adriane Vinter.

The music is from Hans Olav Gorset and Ånon Egeland's recording «for Borgere og Bønder».

The project has utilized: CSharp Messenger Extended

AQUAS water shader:

Tree variety:
- All trees, bushes and most plants
CTS – Complete Terrain Shader:
- Terrain Pa

- Viking village test scene
o Barrel
o Wood logs
o Wood half barrels
- Standard Assets
Manufactura rocks

Game textures:

Support the project

The Port of Oslo 1798 is being developed by us in Tidvis AS. We are always eager to hear from you, whether it's feedback, technical stuff or features you would like to see. Mail us at

If you would like to support us financially we can guarantee that everything will be used to expand and develop The Port of Oslo 1798. All the 3D models and the rest of the content is published with a cc-by-sa-licence and shared in the form of downloadable files from Sketchfab, Github and elsewhere. Tidvis is also a "not for profit" company, so everything we get will be used in this project.

You can give a donation by using this Paypal button: